
Monday 16 September 2019

Turkish journalists briefed on human rights violations in IoK: ISPR

RAWALPINDI: A group of Turkish journalists visited the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) headquarters on Monday, where they were briefed on New Delhi’s human rights violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK), the military’s media wing said.According to the ISPR, “The delegation was briefed about Pakistan-India February stand-off, situation along the Line of Control and the Working Boundary and human rights violations in IOK, including implications for regional peace.” The group is visiting Muzaffarabad on Tuesday and Chokthi on Wednesday, September 17 and 18, respectively to interact with locals and civilian victims of Indian ceasefire violations, further said the ISPR.The Indian military clampdown in IOK continues since August 5, when New Delhi dismissed the occupied territory’s special independent status. Since then, a curfew is in place in the valley with hundreds of political leaders and activists detained and mobile network and internet remaining shut.Pakistan has raised the issue in the United Nations, as well as on other international forums. While it has minimized its diplomatic ties with India, Prime Minister Imran Khan is expected to highlight the illegal activities in his United Nations General Assembly address later this month.

source https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/527476-turkish-journalists-briefed-on-human-rights-violations-in-iok-ispr

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